Meet Our Trainers

James Scott

James Scott was born and raised in Elora. He grew up playing many sports, including tennis & basketball right here at Racquets. He is a kinesiology graduate and a CSEP- Certified Personal Trainer. 

James is passionate about building community and getting people moving, which led him to starting two local businesses: Elora Paddle Company and Move CW. He moves his body in the gym because it helps him do all the things he loves, including canoeing, skiing, hiking, and surfing. 

James' training philosophy is that you should always be enjoying what you’re doing. He strives to help clients feel good in their unique bodies, feel confident in their everyday lives, and to find joy in movement. He believes in functional movement and doing everything with a purpose. His training sessions will typically include strength and mobility components, but can vary depending on the client's unique goals. 


Aimee Young

Coach Aimee is a Personal Trainer and Lifestyle Coach who calls Fergus, Ontario, Canada her home base.

Aimee has dedicated herself to spreading her fitness and nutrition expertise as well as experiences with communities all across the globe!

Her ultimate goal: To build confidence in those that trust her with their journey, sharing the power of consistently growing forward towards your goals while maintaining a peaceful life balance.

Aimee once led a busy life, heavy with perfectionism and the pressure to overachieve. She was burnt out and started to realize that everyone around her was falling into the same trap. She saw the opportunity to lead, so she stepped up to be the change!

Aimee creates a safe place where the mind, body and soul can nourish and grow. She combines safe movement patterns and powerful mindset strategies to create a plan that is unique.

Aimee's philosophy is simple, bring your “one percent better” and learn to “meet yourself in the middle”.

Reaching all your health and fitness goals is one thing, but living a fun, balanced life filled with awesomeness is another. This is the invaluable (often missing) piece you’ll take away when you train with Coach Aimee.



To book a Personal Training session, contact the club at or reach out to Thomas or Leah directly. 

Package sessions are interchangeable and can be used with either of our trainers.


James’ Pricing
$60 per hour


Aimee’s Pricing